In the last five years, state lawmakers in many states have authorized pharmacists to prescribe hormonal contraception. Pharmacist-provided maternal health services encompass more than just contraception. Maternal health includes preconception, pregnancy, and post-pregnancy. Each phase of maternal health has unique needs, including those women who choose not to or are unable to have children.
Establishing pharmacist-provided maternal health services may lead to significant savings to the healthcare system. Pharmacists are well equipped to provide these services and are more accessible than other healthcare providers. Pharmacist scope of practice continues to evolve and more closely align with pharmacists’ clinical ability.
Research shows that pharmacists add significant value to the healthcare system. That value is, as of yet, largely unrealized in maternal health services. To decrease infant and maternal mortality, preterm birth, and unintended pregnancies, states should look to pharmacists as a capable workforce, ready to implement solutions.
Publication Date: May 2020